Landscape Light Maintenance
Protect your lighting investment with tailored routine maintenance of the landscape lighting packages we install.
Protect your lighting investment with tailored routine maintenance of the landscape lighting packages we install.
1. Cut back shrubs, leaves and branches
The first step in maintaining landscape lighting design is to cut back any plants, branches, landscaping, shrubs or trees that are touching the fixture or are too close as to block the light.
Clearing these obstructions will help avoid damage to your fixtures, allow for proper illumination, and make it easier to perform other cleaning and maintenance tasks.
2. Remove debris from landscape lights
The next step is to remove debris from your landscape light fixtures. This can include mud, dirt, pollen, dust, spider webs, fallen leaves, etc.
3. Check for exposed cables wires
Even if your landscape lights were installed by us it’s possible for cables or wires to become exposed which can lead to damage to your fixtures or transformer. This often occurs if you have dogs or children who like to play in the yard near the lighting areas.
If you have exposed wiring be sure to inspect them for damage before re covering them. If you are unsure the cables are damaged or are not comfortable checking them for damage call on us to take a look at them and rebury them for you.
4. Check fixtures & lenses for damage
Check each of your landscape lighting fixtures for broken lenses, dented metal, corrosion or other damage. You may need to order parts or replace some of your fixtures if damage is present.
5. Check or Replace wiring & bulbs
Many home and business owners are now opting for commercial quality LED landscape lighting which virtually negates the need for changing bulbs. However, if you have older styles of light or your LEDs are not shining quite as bright as they used to, you may need to periodically replace some bulbs.
Many people prefer to call on us because we can also check for corrosion within the socket and make any necessary repairs or upgrades.
6. Clean metal or plastic parts
In the case of most metal light housing it’s always best to use a cleaner / polish specifically formulated for that type of metal finish.
7. Clean glass or plastic lenses
To properly clean the glass or plastic lens of a landscape light you may want to first try a 50/50 mixture of water + vinegar. This will dissolve thin layers of corrosion when making the lens streak & smudge free.
8. Check and adjust fixture positions & light beam angles
While the original design properly positioned your lights at the time of installation it’s possible for some fixtures to be moved or need adjustment and re focusing the lens.
For example: ground fixtures may have been jostled by the lawn maintenance or knocked out of position by one of the dogs, or kids kicking around a ball and may have moved when you cleaned them previously.
At times you may need to adjust and repair landscape lights to accommodate the evolution of your landscaping when highlighted trees or gardens may have grown larger & taller.